Caribbean Ship 30063
- Articulatedrailings: 4
- Straightrailslow: 50
- Stern barrier: 2
- Angledladder, height50 cm: 1
- One-wayverticalladder: 4
- Three-sidedverticalladder: 1
- Bow of ship: 1
- Integration game “Circle and Cross”: 1
- Bench: 8
- Labyrinthunder deck: 1
- Linarium horizontal: 1
- Linearinputoblique, height50 cm: 1
- Mast with sail and ropes: 2
- Platformsheight 100 cm: 2
- Platform height 150 cm: 18
- Landingplatforms 150 cm: 2
- Platform height85 cm: 1
- Platform height 185 cm: 2
- Tunnelpassage: 2
- Firepipe, height50 cm: 1
- Wall climbingvertical, height50 cm: 1
- Wall climbingvertical, height 255 cm: 1
- Climbingwalloblique, height50 cm: 1
- Drawingboard, height 170 cm: 2
- Trap diagonal input, height50 cm: 1
- Slide, height 150 cm: 2